
.: A Goddess Adevnture - Chapter 18 :.

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Chapter 18

*Tick Tock*

The sound of clocking ticking was passing by as the gang made it into the new worlds morning light, the portal then closed behind them as they turned around to look what was in front of them, it was a school as Iago could tell from the many young people walking by in different uniforms for both male and female.


“ How strange, is this like the last world we were in? “ Jasmine asked looking up at the building.

“ No this is a school for young people like yourself princess you and him are the right age for this place and in the right uniform “ Iago answered pointing his wing at them.


Aladdin and Jasmine both looked down in surprise to see that their clothes have yet again changed but into the school uniform they see before them on other students, Aladdin’s uniform was a cream colored high shirt with matching cream trousers and a black line that went down the middle of the shirt.


Jasmine was also wearing a cream colored uniform with a red lining around the sleeves of the uniform and with a red bow on the top near the neck; it also had a crossed patterned skirt.


 “Should we go inside? “ Aladdin said looking at Genie and Iago, “ Well I can’t I would pass by as a Pet so I’ll be waiting up there for you guys in that courtyard area up there “ Iago explained as he flew up. “ I’ll wait inside my lamp “ Genie said as he disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Aladdin and Jasmine both looked at each other and nodded as they followed a few other students in to the school. Many of the students seemed very happy as they entered seeing their friends from the other day or maybe not being able to pass a test for the following day then came ahead of them which brought down a bit of despair for the day ahead of them.


Some students were hanging around chatting along with their fellow class mates while others were inside of their class studying away. Jasmine was so fancied by how they all behaved it was so much more different then what it was like in Agrabah, yes there were schools for the children of Agrabah but they were for the richer families which Jasmine would like to change as soon as she is in charge of Agrabah herself.


Something else also caught Jasmine eye a group of what looked to be fourteen years were all gathered in a group with each other as they were discussing matters to themselves about what looked to be a small white creature. As Jasmine looked around no one else could see the creature only herself and Aladdin.


The white creature seemed to look like a cat almost but also had very weird features as it looked up at all the girls “ Aww it looks so adorable “ Jasmine muttered looking down at the strange creature.


As soon as Jasmine muttered the creature jumped up and ran over to her “ Oh Kyubey come back.. oh I see you found someone else who can see you.. are you a magical girl too? “ Jasmine looked up at the voice speaking, it belonged to a blond haired girl whose hair was pushed up in curly pig tails but was also warming a warm smile on her face as she spoke to her.


“ Magical Girl? “ Aladdin asked as he looked at the strange girl before looking down at creature named Kyubey.

“ Oh so you can see him too “ Another girl asked who had red hair which was put into a long pony tail.


“ That’s interesting a guy has never seen Kyubey before maybe these two are special somehow “ Another girl said who had long black hair.


“ Special? They just look like normal students to be ..but they do look strange where are you guys from? “ Another girl asked who had short blue hair.


“ We’re not from here as you can tell we’re from another place called Agrabah “ Aladdin explained.

“ We’re also looking for a friend of yours as well, her name is Lila “ Jasmine said.


“ Oh Lila, Oh if you’re looking for her she is normally up by the courtyard on top of the school building “ The red haired girl said.


“ Thanks .. er oh I’m Aladdin and this Jasmine “ he said bowing to them.


“ Hello I am Mami, this is Homura, Kyoko, Miki and this here is Kyubey “ Mami explained pointing down at Kyubey.


“ Oh you mentioned something about Magical girls what is that? “ Jasmine asked.


“ We can explain up on the courtyard its easier that way “ Homura explained as she walked past them guided them the way up “ I’ll take them up there and explain myself I’ll be back soon “ she said as she guided up to the courtyard.

“ I’ll go with her “ Kyubey said jumping on Jasmine’s shoulder.


“ Aww so cute “ Jasmine muttered, Aladdin smiled but his smile left as he saw Homura gaze glare at Kyubey, it almost looked as if she hated him.


Aladdin was about to ask what was doing but then she opened two pairs of doors which opened to the courtyard.


“ It looks like a crunch almost “ Jasmine said as they walked over to the middle of the area.


“ I don’t see Lila anywhere “ Aladdin said.


“ Hey what took you guys so long? “ Iago called as he landed on Aladdin shoulder “ Who’s that? “ Iago asked pointing a wing at Kyubey and Homura.


“ I am not important to you at the moment bird .. I am only here to act as a guide “ Homura replied.


“ For the answer for where your friends are there currently battling above us, but we must hurry it will spread to here “ Homura replied as she looked up at the current battle taking place.

Aladdin looked up too to see that three people were in the middle of the battle with some sort of monster in the middle.


“ She must be somewhere else maybe battling or something .. it is the time of day for her to be doing this, she isn’t normally at school she only comes to visit us or to pick up her other two friends “ Homura explained.


“ You mean Jade and Laura? “ Jasmine asked.


“ Yes.. them even though I don’t understand why they have Laura she is just a weak link and will drag them down .. But I could say the same about myself for the things I’ve done to my own friends .. my only friend “ Homura muttered as she looked down at what looked to be a purple pendent.


“ Laura isn’t a weak link .. what does this have to do with Magical girls anyway? “ Aladdin asked as he looked to his left to see something flickering almost.

“ I guess you can see it too, that thing over there .. that is a witch that’s the thing that us Magical girls fight against to save ourselves and to gain grief seeds which helps us magical girls become pure “.


“ Grief seeds ? “ Jasmine asked .


“ Greif seeds we use them to stop corrupting ourselves “.

“ Can you explain properly to us? Does this magical girl stuff involves Lila and her friends at all because if it does we can help, we have a Genie “ Aladdin said but his sentence was cut short as Homura looked at him with her a glare almost but then it disappeared as the battle looked like it was coming closer and closer to the school which worried Jasmine almost but the mutter of Homura words made more harm to her thoughts then the worry of a battle.

 “ There are those who prey for hope to come to them, embrace curses and fight ever onward… These are called Magical girls, as your friends I should say they paid this price to obtain miracles which would be used in an destiny of battle which is paid upon their souls.  Their destiny would end in an salvation of oblivion. “

“ What salvation of oblivion is that? “ Aladdin asked.

“ Disappearing from the state of this world, they can escape into another world of despair, If magical girls cannot fight anymore or they have not used black seeds then they turn into what we call witches, the things we fight in order to stay alive “.

“ Our friends will turn into witches if they don’t carry on fighting .. what are they fighting for that cost them their own souls “ Jasmine asked in a hence panic.

“ The cost of the wish of course, in order to become a magical girl they must first be in contact of Kyubey in order to make a wish, then they must make a contract with him in exchange for their soul “.

“ What were there wishes? “ Aladdin asked

“ I cannot tell you but they can “ Homura said as she jumped up slightly to dodge an attack made by the large witch beside them, somehow the witch looked like a school teacher which loomed over the school as it gazed down at Homura it attacked her once more “ Watch out! “ Aladdin yelled but as he yelled this brought the attention of the witch which then loomed over Aladdin and Jasmine.

“ Genie help! “ Aladdin called as he and jasmine both dodged the witch’s attack, Genie then appeared from his lamp right beside Aladdin as he looked up at the witch “ Are you two in dentition? “ Genie asked looking up at the witch “ No it just attacked us! “ Jasmine yelled as she jumped out the way again.

“ Alright I got this! “ Genie said as he flew up to the witch but was blocked off by a large shield “ What? “.

As Genie looked up he saw a figure standing on the edge of the side of the school “ That’s not how you treat students miss! “ The figure said as they jumped down onto the witches arm “ Yeah You know very well in fact you should never attack a student or you will lose your job “ Another voice said as it shot across the battle field and up next to the other girl.

As Genie watched he recognized the two girls as Laura and Jade “ That’s mean… another Lila is here “ Genie muttered as he then searched around for her, he knew too well by now that it wasn’t the Lila he was looking for but if he was able to help this one he will do whatever it took.

“ Genie! Lila is up there look! “ Aladdin called to him snapping him out of his thoughts as he looked up to see Lila in what looked to be a sliver clothing as it almost looked like a knight or a warrior, she moved her sword deep into the witches head, it cut in deep which helped Jade and Homura who just changed into her magical girls outfit.

The two of them both pulled out some explosive devices which they threw into the witches cut, as this happened Laura pulled out a bubble from her own magic which she used to seal the explosives in causing heavy amount of damages causing the witch to die but it left one black seed in its place and what seemed to be the person it took over which Homura rescued and placed her on the benches.

Lila took the black seed and placed it on her pendent which was a very light blue before passing it to Jade who held up a dark blue pendent to wash away the darkness from her own.

The battle field shattered like glass before disappearing from the school, Lila looked over to a certain point as she watched Miki walking down from out of the school “ Homura .. is today the day you warned us about.. “ Lila asked as she continued to watch the two girls walk away.

“ Yes .. it’s always this day.. again and again .. Miki Sayaka will forever turn into a witch no what matter how hard I try to change it or if fate itself changes .. it doesn’t matter she will always be the witch of her own wish “ Homura answered as she looked down.

“ Wait ..” Aladdin said as he stood up causing the girls to look at him “ Whose he? “ Jade asked.

“ There no one important for now .. I don’t want them getting involved it .. will just cause you all more pain “ Homura replied.

“ What are you on about? We can help you have me! I have magic too “ Genie said as he crossed his arms causing Laura to glare at him but Lila to be confused at the sight of Genie “ So! We don’t know who you? And why do you want to help us? “ Laura asked as she held her golden pendent in her hands tightly.

“ We’re your friends and we care about you.. well in another world you were my friends but that still stands by here and now .. we want to help because I think that’s why we were sent here “ Jasmine called as she stood next to Genie and Aladdin.

“ Friends.. care .. I don’t understand this .. we already have too much running into our lives as it is we don’t need anyone else involved “ Laura replied as she looked down in what looked like despair.

“ You come from another world.. like another time line .. or .. “ Lila muttered as she looked up.

“ Lila no.. “ Laura muttered looking up at her .

“ Another world yes .. your our friend and we care about you “ Jasmine said as she pointed at Lila.

“ What about me and Jade? What are we to you? “ Laura asked as if she was pleading almost.

  We met some versions of you and Jade and they were holding each other strong but.. we only know Lila best “.

“ Sounds about right for me “ Jade said.

“ Then you’re not our friend then.. I see “ Laura said.

“ Well you can be when we meet you finally in our own world “ Aladdin replied trying to reassure her but then uneven feeling came back as he gazed up at Laura.

“ We better go and help the fight “ Homura said as she waved her hands at the girls.

“ Yeah we better go.. it was nice meeting you .. “ Lila said as she waved off at them before changing back into her school uniform before following the others.

As the girls left Kyubey appeared besides them “ Oh oh.. Laura is still acting the same way I guess her wish didn’t come out alright after all “.

“ What are you on about? “ Aladdin asked looking down at Kyubey who looked back at him with a smile appearing on his face.

“ Wishes? What wishes is he on about Al? “ Genie asked.

Aladdin face fell as he looked down “Oh you can’t tell your friend, can you? Can I then I can tell you what they all wished for in order to fight “ Kyubey replied.

“ Wished for? Fight? Al? What did I miss while I was in the lamp? Al?.. Jas? “ Genie asked but the two stayed silent.

“ We don’t know Genie only he knows .. but it’s the cost that’s .. that’s what is scaring us “ Jasmine replied.

Iago patted Jasmine head “ The wishes cost their souls Genie “ Iago answered.

“ Their souls… “.

“ Why yes! What else would cost a wish? Something so precious that a body cannot go on without! “ Kyubey said in a cheery voice which brought shivers down everyone spines.

“ What cost their souls so much to fight? “ Jasmine asked.

“ I can show you if you want “ Kyubey said the area around him turn into what looked to be a theater “ Genie this isn’t time to be messing around “ Aladdin muttered but Genie waved his hands “ It wasn’t me! I didn’t make the area change.. it was him. “ he said pointing down at Kyubey who just kept on smiling.

“ I can use magic too you know, I have to if I’m being used to make wishes and contracts, now on with the first one .. let’s see.. let’s start with your friend Lila “ Kyubey said as he made a screen appear.

As the screen set an image of a very young little girl appeared on the screen, it seemed it to look like she was in trouble somehow as I a robber came in and beat everyone causing the little girl to be alone but then a single flash showed that Kyubey appearing in front of her and asked what her wish “ I wish to protect others, always being there when they most need it like a knight or a warrior “ the little girl answered which causing a light blue pendent to appear in the girls hand.

The light from the pendent changed the screen once again and opened up on a raining evening where the house hold of the image came up with sounds of crashing and breaking noises coming from the house hold. It zoomed in on a father causing harm to what looked to be another little girl as she lay there for a moment not moving.

A flash of lighting appeared as Kyubey appeared by the girls side asking what the girl wished for she muttered quietly “ I wish to survive, I want to be able to survive and leave any situation like a thief in the night “  the little girl answered as a blue pendent appeared in the girls hands which she used quickly to transform as her father returned to strike her again but this time it didn’t happened as a the father looked down to see blood coming from his chest area, the little girl hand thrown a knife into her father heart.

She watched him drop to the floor as she looked down at herself and her new found life. The screen changed once again onto a 12 year old girl who was being ignored by her parents, her friends and everyone else around her. The girl sat on the roof top of a school crying but this is where Kyubey appeared in front of her and asked what she wished for “ I wished to be loved and no longer ignored, I want that magic like a mage could do anything they want at a wave of a hand “ the girl answered which caused a golden pendent to appear in her hands, by this time the two other girls appeared in front of her who all smiled at each other.

The screen then turned to black but then it appeared again as the girl Miki Sayaka had just turned into a witch “ You see this was their wishes and now they have to fight to stay alive with it even if it means battling their own friend to do it, if a magical girl doesn’t use the black seeds in order to stop causing pain to their body they will slowly turn into what Miki here is becoming “ Kyubey explained as he jumped on stage.

“ A witch, those what magical girls are made for and always will be “ Kyubey said.

“ Why .. Why is that how things have to be in this world?! “ Jasmine demanded as she watched everyone fight against the Miki witch who made her battle field look like a music theater as her own witch looked like some weird musical mermaid.

“ It begins with a prayer than ends with a curse, it’s an endless cycle that many magical girls have repeated, no matter what the wish is if something unreasonable then it will distort its reality in a way, it’s only natural that disaster  is the result of what happens “.

“ I have seen many magical girls shed their tears at me about the matter “.

“ Have you ever tried to understand what those girls go through? What you made them go through? Do you even care for them at all? “ Jasmine demanded and almost yelled at Kyubey.

“ If I could I wouldn’t of come to this planet, but this is the way things are would you care to stop and think about the way you treat your animals, think about this case do you feel bad about a group of cattle being killed? Those who destined to become food for humans and other creatures? Don’t Magical girls do the same a heavy amount of magical girls can do the same humans do not care for them even though they are there to protect them “ Kyubey explained.

“ As you can see I am an incubator and for many years in this world we incubators and humans have been living together throughout history, We have interacted with humans before recorded history, a countless number of girls have formed contracts with us, we have granted their wishes and even brought a change in history but in the end they all lost themselves into despair “ Kyubey explained.

The screen changed once again into a flower field where the girls found themselves in front of a crying Laura with an almost broken pendent, the area changed itself as the gang were transported there as they watched as Lila and Jaded pleaded to their friend to take the black seed from them.

“ Laura! Stop this, I know what you saw is true but we couldn’t do anything to stop her from changing even Homura told you that! Now stop being stubborn and take the damn seed! “ Jade pleaded.

“ Why? What’s the point in me doing that, I can’t do anything right for now anyway, my powers seem useless in battle and my wish is slowly breaking anyway .. my parents don’t brother about me anymore.. you guys seem to go off with the other girls now leaving me behind- “.

“ That isn’t true and you know that! You’ve only started acting like this since your boyfriend died 3 weeks ago by cancer! You couldn’t stop that! It wasn’t your fault now stop blaming yourself! We want our Laura back! “ Lila pleaded through her tears.

“ What’s going on? “ Genie said which caused Lila and Jade to look up at the gang.

Kyubey then appeared by Laura side “ It’s too late girls she .. is far off by now “ Kyubey said as he watched Laura pendent change into a witch seed causing the witches battle field to wash the girls away from them, Aladdin quickly caught Jade as did Genie with Lila as they watched Laura standing in the middle of the new witches field slowly changing into a witch “.

“ Heh .. Isn’t it good now.. isn’t it great to see that I have come to realize that I misunderstood everything about magical girls and my life.. I understand now .. everything what’s the point right when all magical girls will just become witches “ Laura spoke out as her head slowly started to crack into a horse head shape as she continued  to speak.

“ I remember when Kyoko and Lila told me about the balance of hope and despair will always lead to zero. But my love died a long time ago that’s before I met my boyfriend and my friends .. it started when I was born into this world .. and now us magical girls are here to be prayed for happiness for some people who  don’t blink an eye for what we do for them…we as magical girls is that what we’re meant to do? Aren’t we? I really am such an idiot “.

As her speeches stopped so did the image of Laura body died as well instead showing a horse type beast stood in front of them instead crying almost as it send out a ray of play horses to attack Lila and Jade.

Which Genie blocked with his own magic by making a barrier to protect everyone in.

“ Is Laura a witch now? “ Jasmine asked looking up at the witch before them “ Yes … her soul gem changed into witch now she.. is dead.. our friend is dead.. I can’t I can… I can’t do this.. “ Lila mattered as she looked back at what Laura had become.

“ That idiot ..!! “ Jade said as she hit the ground in anger as she looked back to what her friend once.

“ It’s the fate of being a magical girl “ Homura had appeared at this moment and stood beside Lila who cried at the sight of her friend.

“ We have to kill her you know that as magical girls .. there is no other way it’s what she would of wanted “ Homura replied pulling out a gun ready to go back into the battle field.

“ Can’t I do something! I have magic like I said- “.

“ No! you got involved and now Laura is like this! “ Homura yelled as she pointed to the witch.

“ We can do it! And we have too or we will be killed instead! “ Jade yelled “ I’ve had enough of death today .. Kyoko got killed by Miki’s witch when she battled her and Mami killed herself after she realized what happens to magical girls… I’ve had enough of this.. it needs to be done.. Lila we need you to cut Laura down “.

“ Lila you don’t have to do this.. Lila “ Genie said pleading “ Its.. good to see that you care about me.. I’m glad but I need to do this it’s what she would of wanted and if I die by doing so in order to protect myself and my friends then I have l… I have too “ Lila said as she transformed back into her magical girl outfit as did Jade as they looked up at the witch.

Lila ran alongside Jade and Homura as they headed straight towards the witch, Lila quickly made a shield for Jade to dodge the magic attacks made by the witch and its wave of play horses.

While Homura gunned down the horses as they fell down with a mighty smash causing them to shatter like glass. As doing so Lila send her sword flying into the witches head causing it to smash the it almost as it cut into it but its hand then grabbed Lila causing her to be thrown into the air “ Lila! “ Genie called as he flew out to catch her, as he did they heard an explosive sound from below them “ Jade! “ Lila yelled as Genie set her down.

The explosion killed the witch luckily Jade was able to survive from the flames made by the explosion as did Homura who used her own power to stop time to save herself.

The battle field smashed to pieces leaving Laura body to lay in the field of flowers but it slowly disappeared as the battle field itself shattered away.

“ Lila! Your soul gem! Its black! “ Jade called out as Lila looked down.

“ Oh oh looks like when Lila broke into despair her soul gem corrupted “ Kyubey said.

“ No noo I don’t want to be a witch!..! “ Lila cried.

Lila’s pendent slowly started to become black as she cried, Jade quickly searched for the black seed which Homura was holding out to her, Jade quickly took it and rushed over to her but the seed then fell onto her own pendent as Jade tripped “ No! No! not me .. not me.. I don’t want it.. “ Jade cried.

“ Lila .. “ Genie called almost crying himself at seeing her crying as did the others as well.

Lila then fell onto the ground as she did not want to stand any longer by the weight of grief made by the blackness of her soul gem.

As this was happening a portal appeared by Aladdin, Iago and Jasmine “ Genie its time.. “ Aladdin said but Genie shook his head “ Not until I’ve helped her! “ Genie replied.

Aladdin and the others all turned to each other as they entered the portal which quickly closed behind them “ Wait! No Genie! “ Aladdin yelled but that did not stop the portal closing “ Genie..”.

“ Homura please you can use time travel right..? use it on Lila.. stop this! “ Jade pleaded as she watched her friend shed more tears onto the flowers around her.

“ I can’t .. I can’t.. I’m sorry “ Homura replied.

 “ I will then! “ Genie yelled as he rushed over to Lila trying to use his magic to pure the pendent but with every sort of magic he was using it didn’t work “ Come on! I don’t want to see you cry anymore! “ Genie yelled.

But as Genie spoke a light pink shine appeared in front of everyone causing Homura to look up and slowly ran forward to the figure that appeared by Lila side “ Madoka.. Madoka.. “ Homura spoke out as she looked at the magical girl with Pink hair appear in front of Lila.

Madoka looked down at Genie and smiled “ It’s okay now, I’ll take her burden before she turns into a witch, she will no longer be cursed, she can live her life out free! “ she said as she placed her hand down over Lila’s soul gem which was cured of its grief causing Lila to stop and smile as a small tear left her face.

Madoka then made her way in front of Jade who stopped the grief from Jade’s pendent as well “ Thank you.. I didn’t want to battle any longer.. but.. where were you ..?! for Laura could of saved her .. “ Jade asked.

“ I’m sorry I only just granted my own wish I’m sorry for your friend but I am here so you can no longer be cursed you will just have to keep on living for her sake and keep on smiling “ Madoka said before turning to Homura “ Before I leave .. You know you’ve always been my best friend “ Madoka said before disappearing leaving Homura to cry.

Genie then looked up for a moment to feel something pulling behind him, as he looked it was the portal as he stood up, Jade and Lila both made their way towards Homura before hugging her.

“ Don’t worry Homura we know how much she means to you but we will always be here to support you in your battle to see her once again “ Lila said.

“ Thank you for being there for us “ Jade said to Genie before he pulled into the portal leaving an Image of Lila smiling.

Well time to ruin the moment of the happiness that we keep seeing everywhere.

Go get your tissues! Go get them now! I’m gonna be a terrible person! So terrible!

Anyway I’m sorry if some people are mad at me for saying that half of these stories aren’t up to what makes a good fanfiction, Its just when you have been in the Aladdin fanfiction for over nearly 10 years, you know as well as I do I want more love put into those words for something I love to write for and to read for but when you find these half asked fanfictions or fictions of writing that had no love put into them you just get so upset.

Anyway that’s enough from me now we get on with the story

Also for this chapter I have to be watching the movie and getting the info from said movie so I get the right info.

I can stop crying now right.. good yes ok

Anime used was Madoka Magical go check it out its only 13 episodes long

I cried through all of this .. I had to put my laptop down 3 times

I wonder how many people will cry in this chapter..


Ok next up is chapter 19

I only own Lila, Jade and Laura, the plot changes

More chapters here…

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